Window and Door Accessories
Away to the window I flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. Your windows and doors, even in the classic Christmas poem ‘Twas the Night before Christmas, take a lot of abuse. In and out. Open and close. Sliding up and sliding down. Unlike the longevity of this time honoured poem, the hardware and accessories that help your windows and doors function smoothly do eventually break down or wear out with the passage of time. That’s why it’s particularly important for our company to stock a wide range of window and patio door accessories for your home or commercial space to keep things opening and closely smoothly for you.
We stock a variety of window accessories for you and what we don’t stock, we can order. In many cases, replacing a window’s accessories can increase its lifespan and will definitely decrease your frustration. We carry locks, handles, rollers and hinges of all types and sizes. We’d be happy to install them for you too. Why struggle with figuring out the replacement of these fixtures when our team can have them done in a blink of an eye?